Suffering is a real part of life. We all suffer through losses and unrealized dreams and unmet expectations. Some of us suffer through abuses, addictions, failed relationships, broken promises, unfathomable disappointments.

And, it’s not always true that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Long term suffering can also accompany difficult and traumatic life events.

I think what REALLY needs to be stated is that both can exist in us, at the same time. And maybe we can be open to support and encourage ourselves and our people as we both suffer AND heal.

Welcoming suffering seems like an oxymoron, yet is it really?

It WILL come, so maybe we would rather be open to that pain and address it. Learn to not feel helpless in it’s grip or isolated by it’s enormity.

We can do this. Put your hand on your heart…Breathe… Speak Truth to yourself…