Gracing your life with what feeds YOUR soul=Good Parenting

Young Mom self-care for me=I didn’t become a regular exerciser until my youngest was 5 years old. I made good meals AND ate too much of that goodness. I seldom went to bed at the same time, many times falling asleep on the couch (came in handy eventually with teenagers…but definitely not cool with babies/toddlers who relish in seeing the sun actually rise).

I was young enough to pull it off BUT I didn’t always feel good, which translated into Grumpy/Cranky/CrayCray Mom at times.

One thing I got right was staying in regular contact with friends… Women who were supportive and kind and always willing to press the pause button on our mutual “Mom Isolation” by engaging in spontaneous playdates (which were for the adults EVERY bit as much as they were for the kids, let’s be real).

That’s what fed my soul. That’s what allowed me to roll into the 2nd week of Chicken Pox with Kid 1 and not lose my freakin’ mind when Kid 2 started sprouting little pox of his own.

You will be the best mom you can be when you Recognize and Honor YOU and your unique needs…and then Feed Those Needs, Take Care of You.

It is the most UNselfish thing you can do.